Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Durable Peace

I've been meaning to write, but I got started reading this book by Benjamin Netanyahu - A Durable Peace. Actually, it has been on my shelf for a couple years. I picked it up on sale one time knowing that eventually I'd like to read it. Well, with the new year and all, I took it down and vowed this was the year. You see, it was quite forboding with its 400+ pages and appendices and all. It took a lot of courage just to think I was going to do it.

I now have 2 pages of the main text left and then the appendices. And I will say this -- I have learned a lot. For instance, did you know that the Arab world is more than 500 times the size of the Jewish state. That helps put in perspective what Israel is being asked to do in giving up part of the West Bank. Even with the West Bank, Israel is only 40 miles wide. They truly are in a precarious situation.

I must admit that I wish our schools would require the reading of some of these works instead of the anti-American propaganda that does get taught. I know that when I was in school in the dark ages, America was not presented in a positive light. No wonder there are so many misinformed and uninformed adults today. It was only in homeschooling my own children that my eyes were opened.

A special thanks to Benjamin Netanyahu for his own steadfastness and the love he obviously has for his own nation. May his works continue to educate people around the world.


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