We are always told (at least at my age) to have a yearly physical exam. Being from a medical profession myself, I have always agreed, but sometimes it is a real hassle. I had mine in April and a few of the tests came back questionable. One was repeated in 3 months and another in 6. There was still one that was puzzling the doctors, so we did further tests. All of this would not be so disconcerting, but I do know what kind of things we are looking for, so I wait - wondering - what if?
What if it really is serious? What if I only have a short time to live? It is Christmas time. Do I want to give my girls something more meaningful or should I get them a game and sweater and pretend life will go on forever. But, it won't. It doesn't for anyone. Sometimes we need these awakenings to help us keep things in perspective. I know my Savior and can be ready to go any time. I would prefer to be here for a while to help my girls get their own lives more established, but I do know they are okay. That is such a comfort.
Neil Cavuto commented today on just this concept. When we realize our time here is limited, our perspective on things does change. All those gifts just don't matter so much any more. The people in our lives do matter. The lives we touch matters. What I am wearing does not. What I have for lunch does not. How clean my house is does not. Granted, we need to take care of some of this as we walk through this life, but we do not need to obsess over it.
On a lighter note, tomorrow night we will attend the Chippewa Valley Symphony Concert. With 2 daughters in the orchestra, it is especially enjoyable for me. God gave us music too and I am only too happy to enjoy and support it.
So, during this season take time for the important. Hug your family. Play games with them. Stop by to see a friend. Smile at a stranger. Open the door for the elderly. Slow down. Life is short no matter when it ends, and there are some important things to do. :)
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