Social Justice vs Biblical Justice Part I
I have struggled with the tenets of social justice for a
long time. They sound good and right. We should care for the poor and hungry. I
try to wrap my mind around the different approaches to caring for these people.
In the end, I must come back to Scripture and consider what God has laid out
for us.
Take the story of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10) A priest and
a Levite chose to walk past a man who had been robbed, beaten and left to die. They
even crossed over and passed on the other side.
When the Samaritan came by, however, he had compassion on
him. He bound his wounds, placed him on his own beast, took him to an inn and
cared for him. When he departed the next day, he paid the innkeeper, asked him
to care for the injured man and promised to repay any additional costs.
Now, consider this: If the Samaritan had embraced “social
justice,” he would have acted differently. He might have lobbied the government
for aid to the injured. He would have argued that the robbers were the real
victims due to an unjust economic system. He would have claimed they were
oppressed by the capital class.
To bring justice to the oppressed, this Samaritan would have
advocated a redistribution of wealth. He would suggest higher taxes on the rich
to fund necessary social programs, thereby making society a more equitable
If this Samaritan were a social justice advocate, he would
probably not pay this man’s medical bills, but would demand that the community,
state or the rich should pay them. He would remind us that this is an example
of class struggle where we are all victims of an unjust system. Rather than doing
something to help the poor man, he demonstrates as a “voice of the voiceless”
and works toward social change.
In the end, this is not so much about helping the wounded
man as it is about using him - using him to make a case for wealth
Biblical justice, on the other hand, does not have the
dismantling of class structure as its primary goal. Evil is condemned, but evil
occurs at all levels of society. Leviticus 19:15 tells us “Do not pervert
justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but
judge you neighbor fairly.”
To quote Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson, “Biblical Justice not only
means that nobody is to be picked on because he is poor or favored because he
is rich, but that (contrary to the doctrine of social justice) nobody is to be
picked on because he is rich or favored because he is poor.”
He goes on to state, “The fundamental error of today’s social justice practitioners is their hostility to economic inequality, per se. Social justice theory fails to distinguish between economic disparities that result from unjust deeds and those that are part of the natural order of things. All Christians oppose unjust deeds…But it isn’t necessarily unjust for some people to be richer than others.”
Labels: biblical justice, Dr. Mark Hendrickson, redistribution, social justice
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